Wednesday, April 15, 2009

You can not align people without a common direction

Imagine that your business is a life raft in the middle of the ocean, you as the business leader knows what direction you want to go and are paddling as hard as you can in that direction. The others on the raft know where they want to go and start paddling in thier direction. In disbelief you look at the others in the raft questioning why they can not see the direction you are heading in and why are they not paddling in that same direction. Indeed some may even be paddling in the opposite direction. In frustration some of them may stop paddling as hard as then can, not because they are not capable but because they get disengaged.
The busisness leaders is also aware that with limited provisions for voyage there is an urgency that others do not seem to share. And so they paddle harder. This appears to be happening in some businesses right now.

If this is your life raft what do you believe the outcome will be?

You may get to where you want to go but will it be in the fastest time possible by the quickest route?

Alignment and Engagement of your people become the two most important factors for your success

So, at some stage the business leaders need to step up and sell a story of the direction they want to head or else you they invarible head in circles.

Do you increase your chances of success if the story involves your people? You betcha!

Business is exactly like this analagy.

Do your staff know your direction?
Do your Staff know your vision?
Does it invlove your people?
Do they see it everyday?

If you answered 'No' to any of the above then immediately address this and create a clear and compelling long term goal that stretches beyond your current capabilities that will align all of your people.

Here is the real magic though. When you create this long term stretch Goal that can bring together businesses as well as your people it becomes a lot easier. When you share with your clients and your suppliers they all go "Hey I like that! It is where I would like to go too."

Overnight Business will become a lot easier.

If you are asking yourself "How do I do this?" Try starting with asking your people after all who will do the work to get you there?

Enjoy the Recovery

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Where is the real problem with Businesses?

Right now if you are not investing in the people of your business (including yourself) I absolutely guarantee that you will not be the one best positioned for this recovery.

It is not rocket science get the right people, get them doing the right things and make sure those things are done right. It may sound like it is a whole lot easier to say than do, but really it does not need to be.

Your challenge is if you have not addressed incompetencies. If you’re thinking that you have incompetent people in your organization then the first problem to address is yourself. It would be extremely unlikely that you have employed incompetent people and if you have then obviously you have been an incompetent and reckless employer. If you need to fire anyone fire yourself from this role.

I can not accept that someone would start a job with the intention of destroying a business so when an employee gets disengaged ask yourself “how have I contributed to the issue?” I passionately believe that people by nature want to do a good job. I am still constantly amazed when employers complain about an employee and when you help them peel back the onion they identify the issue usually always begins with them.

Make sure what you want to achieve in your business can engage and align your people. Then share with your people what you want to achieve with your business and share what you achieve with your business with your people.

You will know when you get this right when someone congratulates you on a successful business and the only thing you are able to say is “All I did was provide a vision for an amazing group of people to come together and achieve some extraordinary results.”

Right now invest the most of your resources in your people as they are the opportunity for the greatest gains. Bang for buck your people will always be your greatest opportunity to make money. So knowing that your people are the most important thing in your business (reality check it was never your customers) does it not make sense to invest in your most valuable asset?

If you have already done this enjoy the recovery.