Monday, September 28, 2009

Do you pass the Toilet Paper Test?

You may be wondering what the Toilet paper test is? Quite simply it has two applications;

1 - Do you spend more money on personal and professional development in you lifetime than you do on Toilet Paper

2 - Do you spend more time practising and perfecting your profession than you do wiping your a*** each week.

Next time you pick up the toilet paper ask yourself where you time and money is best spent?

Enjoy your week


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Replying sensibly to emails

I have spend the weekend reviewing sales letters and emails for companies and 1 thing has become quite evident in doing so.

People often provide far to much detail and don't really consider who they are sending their sales letter or email to.

golden rule of emails is your reply should reflect the original message size. ie if it is a few short words reply in a few short words. If it is 3 paragraphs provide enough detail to mirror the length of the email.

Try and understand behaivioral profiles of who you are conversing with before you reply.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Talking Brochure Salespeople

Of all of the industry's over the last few hundred years Sales has been the one that has changed the least. What is interesting is that there has been many opinions on what works and very little data.

Professor Neil Rackham conducted a massive research project of over 35,000 sales call in 12 countries over a 10 year period and found some very interesting data.

What was conclusive is that converting features to benefits is getting less and less effective. This means that Salespeople can no longer afford to be a talking brochure. With information so accessible and over 30 Billion questions getting answered on google every month sales people need to move from being a value communicator to value creators.

It is more important than ever to address this with your sales people. So what value are your salespeople creating for your clients and would your clients be prepared to write a check for their sales call.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Empowering People

One massive challenge I witness is the ability of organisations and leaders to empower their staff. Make it safe for people to make decisions. When they don't it creates bottlenecks and business can not move forward as much. Here are the only 5 questions you staff need to answer to make a decision without you.

  1. Is it right for the customer?
  2. Is it right for the company?
  3. Is it ethical?
  4. Is it something you would be willing to be held accountable for?
  5. Is it consistent with the Company's values?

If the answer to all 5 is yes then - DON'T ASK - JUST DO IT

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Understanding the "Core Values" of Honesty and Integrity

Often I hear that Honesty and Integrity are core values - as they should be. Would you ever Hire someone who wasn't honest or exhibited Integrity? How often though have you employed someone to be disappointed on these values.

The challenge is that you need to go to a deeper level so your people can understand what it really means in your organisation. The words are like the outer layer of an onion and you need to peel back the layers until you get to the real "core" of the definition for your company.

In our company "Live what we teach" defines Integrity for me. We have a client who is a painting contractor that has "3 coats means 3 coats". Isn't this a lot easier for his staff to understand than Integrity.

The difinitions are different for every company. What does the inside of your onion look like for Honesty and Integrity in your company.