Studies show that giving your people a real purpose to there work lifts engagement and productivity. A great example of a company in Christchurch that has a meaningful purpose is Isaac Construction. By combining conservation with construction they are making a real difference not only for the people in their company but for the people in New Zealand.
Thanks to the hard work of the team at Isaac Construction New Zealanders will have a much better chance of ever seeing endangered species. The company funds The Isaac Conservation Trust which has just built a skinkery – that is a home and habitat for rare Grand and the Otago Skink- and the first skinks have just been transferred into their new home at Peacock Springs just outside
The Grand and the Otago Skinks are from the Hawea-Lindis area in Otago and are now part of a captive breeding programme. The skinkery replicates the skinks natural habitat by including huge rocks and native plants in the cages. The skinks will be kept warm by “under-rock” floor heating. I was lucky enough to be able to hold one as we helped them out of their plastic boxes and set them free to explore their new home.
The Isaac Wildlife Trust has been working with the Department of Conservation and has been successfully breeding endangered birds at Peacock Springs for many years. But now they have a new challenge- the Grand and the Otago Skink!
So when you ask the team at Isaac Construction what they do. Instead of just laying roads and asphalt the help fund the protection of New Zealand's endangered native Floura and Fauna.
Isn't that a whole lot more reason to get out of bed each morning. They think so.
So.... what is your company really passionate about and what is your higher purpose. If you don't have one you should get one.