Friday, September 17, 2010


Cost of Business cards $99, Election Flyers $782, Car signwriting $480 - Getting written endorsement from your son - PRICELESS

As many of you are aware I have put my hand up to support the local Shirley Papanui Community Board for the local body elections in Christchurch, New Zealand.

Last night I attended my first Public forum where candidates were asked to speak about their reasons for standing. As I was preparing my speech my son Sam offered to help and wrote the following speech

Voting Papers are out today

Friday, September 10, 2010

5 things you need to do to hold your people accountable

I have the privilege of helping hundreds of businesses every year and one of the biggest issues that they deal with is holding their people accountable for progress and performance.

Accountability is one of the major pillars of effective business execution. It’s not about your people working hard or being busy. It’s about everyone doing the right things that will move their area of the business forward - in line with the company’s strategic priorities.

This is a summary of a great article by Stephen Lynch, the Chief Operations Officer of, on how you hold your people accountable. (read the full article here)

Here are the 5 things that you need to get right

1. Have the Company strategic priorities and your staffs individual priorities visible to them everyday.

2. Confront reality every week and keep progress visible by displaying the companies Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s).

3. Identify the key functional roles in the business and ensure only one person is assigned the accountabilty for each role and one person is not accountable for too many roles.

4. Everyone should know how they are performing so ensure every role has one objective number that measures their performance. Be disciplined in tracking this number and make it visible every week.

5. Accountability has to mean consequences if your people do not deliver performance. Ensure your people know what the consequences are or the rewards for achieving them. Are your people being held accountable for meeting the performance standards required in their role?

The discipline of holding people accountable for meeting performance standards every week drives effective strategic execution. (click here for the full article)

Are your people being held accountable for meeting the performance standards required in their role?

If you want to learn more on how to hold your people accountable check out the next Webinar (click here for more details)

Thursday, September 9, 2010 donates $100,000 of services to assist Canterbury Businesses

It is fair to say that the whole Canterbury region has had a good shake and that things have changed after the 7.1 Magnitude Earthquake last Saturday. Office space, markets and of course the situation.

As a company nationally and globally are committing $100,000 of their services to asstst other businesses in the Canterbury region who need to get clear about what they need to do right now.

This is honouring our Core value of “Make a Difference” and to give back to our community.

There are Christchurch businesses out there right now with a range of needs ranging from too little work to a sudden influx of too much. For some they no longer have office space, key clients have closed down or they can’t get paid. It is a time of sudden change and with that brings stress and a need for care, focus, planning and leadership of their teams.

The $100,000 of services with will be distributed with the following assistance;

  1. 3 x G.R.O.W. (G=Goals, R=Reality, O=Options, W=Will) Workshops. Here at our offices on Thursday 16, 23 & 30 September 9.30am-11.30am. This workshop will focus on what has changed for business owners/leaders in their business due to the earthquakes and allow them to get really clear on what they have to do and when to adjust to these new changes.
  2. 3 x Marketing Strategy Workshops to allow them to change and plan marketing and advertising for the current environment. Here at our offices on Thursday 16,23 & 30 September 1230-2.30pm.
  3. 2 x 1 one hour (one on one) follow up sessions with a Execution Specialist from our national and global team. This is likely to be completed via Skype, online or by telephone to allow members of our wider team to make a difference here in Canterbury.

In addition many business have stock that they need to move urgently please put this out to your networks around the world. I am sure that many of these businesses would love the opportunity to help out.

Please help us to get the details of these offers of assistance to people you know who may appreciate some help or focus right now to get through the current environment.

Kind regards
