Right now Canterbury Business owners are looking at how they can survive a prolonged decrease in revenue. In a lot of cases the hard decisions to cut staff or overheads has been left too late and now there are not so many options as they could have had a few months ago as part of a planned approach.
On average it seems that revenue across most industries has declined by 30-40% and it is likely the market recovery is going to be slow. So how do you operate and grow in a consumers market where your competitors are competing on price? How do you get more productivity from less staff? How do you ensure marketing is effective given the fact you have a far smaller advertising budget?
Now the bad news.......there is no magic bullet that will solve this. It takes a good long term strategy, well targeted short and medium terms goals, a focused offering to the market with a unique point of difference and it takes good communication, staff 90 day goals, accountability across the company and measurement of the relevant KPI's.
That takes skill and planning and the real value is being able to execute these things and make them happen rather than simply come up with a plan.
Take some action and make it happen. Oh and have fun.....it is too easy to get lost in the doom & stress.