Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The aftermath: Jack Daly

As alluded to last week our day with Jack Daly really left me with some fantastic learning's. After 8 hours of drinking from the proverbial fire hydrant of high impact learning I have reflected on quite a few things.

Sales people are a certain type of person and right now critical to the lifeblood of any business. One thing this recession has changed is their role from order taker back to sales representative...i.e. they have to work for and make the sale rather than have the customer walk in and give an order.

Sales Managers are again having to develop and train sales representatives. One of the big sins in business today is the Managing Director/Sales Manager double role. Sales Managers should also not be making too many sales if their focus is on training and developing their people.

How many sales teams today incorporate daily in house training or role playing? How many list the 8-10 main excuses or reasons clients don't buy from them and role play the ways to counter these? Not many I suggest......most let their sales team train in real time on real potential clients!!


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