Thursday, August 20, 2009

Role Playing

It seems odd when we look at it in isolation.....but why do Sales Managers let their people practise their trade on actual clients? In most other fields there is training and role playing in preparation for the real thing. In the military they train for years before being sent into the fray, the Police role play hundreds of scenarios before putting officers on the beat (and then with a mentor), Bus drivers practise before they do a fact they do a license! Firemen train and role play, teachers role play......and so it goes on!!

So tell me again why sales people do not role play.....practising to identify personality types and then their approach based on the personality type of the person they are talking to, knowing the 7-9 reasons a prospect will give them "not to buy their product" and know how to counter these. Beats me....most sales people do a product familiarisation course when they join a company and then get sent on the if they have some divine power to sell!!

Beats me


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