Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Touch Systems: Worth their Weight in Gold

If there was one thing Jack Daly got across in Auckland it was the value of having a formal touch system in your company. One that ties in with data bases but allows for reaching out and touching past, present and future clients (and people of influence who champion your business) with a personalised card, note or whatever you choose. Just do it Jack says!

Being unique from from your voice mail to after sales follow up means you remain top of mind and become part of a conversation or a referral. Hand written cards or personalised notes are gold in an age of e-mail and printers. A quick hand written card gets placed on a desk or in a prominent place and keeps on selling the message.

It also builds trust and people do business with those they like and trust....simple as that. Selling is the the transfer of trust. So try it.....one of the team here got a call from a prominent business owner yesterday thanking him for his follow up card and note after a meeting. Do you think that person will mention it to others? You bet!


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